Paperwork Consulting

Section 3 Programs

Recipients of HUD’s Section 3 program are required to utilize funding to allocate employment, training, and contracting opportunities to low- and very-low income workers, businesses owned by these persons or businesses that employ these persons. Paperwork Consulting oversees Section 3 regulations to ensure that clients who are recipients of HUD funds remain in compliance.

Learn more and view the resources and training that HUD provides here.

It’s important that all involved entities understand how Section 3 impacts their work functions. As a Section 3 Certified business, Paperwork Consulting assists developers & contractors, and subcontractors in Section 3 procurement and monthly reports. Our consultants can also provide an overview and training to staff on Section 3 requirements.

Recipients of HUD’s Section 3 program are required to utilize funding to allocate employment, training, and contracting opportunities to low- and very-low income workers, businesses owned by these persons or businesses that employ these persons. Paperwork Consulting oversees Section 3 regulations to ensure that clients who are recipients of HUD funds remain in compliance.

Learn more and view the resources and training that HUD provides here 

It’s important that all involved entities understand how Section 3 impacts their work functions. As a Section 3 Certified business, Paperwork Consulting assists developers & contractors, and subcontractors in Section 3 procurement and monthly reports. Our consultants can also provide an overview and training to staff on Section 3 requirements.